Finding Gratitude...



Just spent my last night in my childhood home.  It was like my 4th “last night.” Things shift, plans change, timelines flex, so I’ve said goodbye to the house over and over...but now it’s done for real.

It is not a mansion. It is a brick 4-bedroom 2-bath house in a little Midwestern town which is perched on the bluffs of the Mississippi river. Growing up here offered the typical 70’s childhood fraught with summer days of staying out until the streetlights came on, playing kick the can and slurping drippy popsicles, walking to school with my siblings & cousins, in rain, snow or sleet. Time passed and life evolved into the uniqueness of the 1980’s from walking to the mall to hang out with friends discussing which color jelly shoes or which new song on 45 to buy to a few years later when concerns were liquid black eyeliner, crinolines and big hair cruising the mall in our cars looking for boys who were inevitably there cruising in their cars looking for girls…

What am I finding in my heart as bid this house adieu? Gratitude... Gratitude for housing my family during fun and during fights, during holiday parties and funeral parties, for the vegetable garden that produced the green beans I hated to pick but loved to eat to the spot where we buried our sweet dog Fred. Gratitude felt for all the euchre games and trivial pursuit matches, for time rocking on the front porch or snuggling by the fire on the breezeway. The list is endless, but as I embrace the 2nd half of life, letting go with gratitude seems to be the theme. So, goodbye dear home. You have housed love and life and so many sweet dreams now fulfilled. May the love and life and joy we experienced there convey to the new owners 10 fold. 

What are you finding in your heart right now? Don't know? Want to go deeper? Then come away for time devoted to YOU, your yoga practice, time to rest and renew your mind, body and spirit as we welcome Fall together -register now for Sanctuary Yoga’s Fall Weekend Retreat! We will get curious, explore and connect. Friday, September 23-Sunday September 25, from 7:00 pm until noon on Sunday at the lovely Fatima Retreat House at 5353 E 56th Street Indianapolis IN 46226. 

Check it out here:

Check it out there:

Email to register

or call 317-755-6625 with questions!

Lori Bisser