Sure, I'm unsure...

Sure, I'm unsure. 

Pretty sure you are too. How can we be sure of anything right now? 

"The state is opening, just not the county..." Wait what? "You should stay home, shelter in place to avoid the virus." Then there's the recent; "Staying home will cause your immunity will drop." Ummm.... And from the top, "Consider opening the schools," vs. "Re-opening the schools too soon will cause another wave of illness." 

Your guess is a good as mine...

This is only a tiny sample of the myriad contradictions flying around the world today. There is no telling, currently, who is right and who is wrong. Your guess is as good as mine. All of this can leave us feeling confused, unsettled or full on anxious. 

Back to basics

So, how can we find peace and calm? Try this: Notice how you are feeling right now. Invite yourself to quiet and close your eyes for a moment. Notice you are still breathing. Follow your breath for a 3 rounds now, simply observing the flow in and out. Now again, notice how you feel.  

More peace

While we are processing the idea of re-entering the world, of returning to "normal," (whatever that will be,) no one knows for certain what will happen. All we can do is take care of ourselves and those around us. Fostering our own wellness, cultivating a little peace in our hearts so that we can be peace in the world. In the same way the virus spreads so can peace from one person to the next. In the face of all these conflicting messages, Lord knows, the world could use some more peace.

More please!

For more ways to find a sense of stability, grounded-ness, calm and peace, try this yoga practice, fresh off the presses today.


Yoga for anxiety

Lori Bisser