My Weird Secret...

 Weird not weird?

There is a chance that this secret is not weird at all to you… you may already do this weird thing. I’ll tell you, it is SUPER weird to me and took me totally by surprise. Let me explain.

"Remove judgement"

As a yoga teacher I have a pretty regular parade of hard core workout people come to my classes when they are recovering from an injury and I would scratch my head a little wondering why they would keep going back to the sport or intensity that caused the problem. All my reminders to, “remove competition, remove expectation, remove judgement,” were lost on them… and on me apparently. 

Judgie yoga teacher

expected them to fall in love with yoga the way I had, I judged their choice to use yoga as triage to get them fixed up and back to no-pain-no-gain land. Runners were the worst. Limping in with plantar fasciitis, uber tight hamstrings, back pain…Yep I was a Judgie-mc-judgington. 

Here is it 

So, what is this weird secret I have? You guessed it, I am running. <gasp> It all started with feeling stuck inside during  this season of Covid. I began walking on a tread mill a couple of months ago. Then my body just wanted to go faster... It started running. </gasp> Me. The person who always said; “If I am running, it is because something is chasing me.”

Weirdest thing to me? I love it. 

Decide to un-decide

It is a shame I had labeled running: something those die-hard people did, the "no-pain, no-gain," people. I had made the decision it was not for me. 

What's my point? 

Judgements separate us from living life to the fullest. I didn't even know I was doing it. I am totally surprised by how much joy was waiting for me once I dropped the judgement. 


It is only natural though...What I was doing was making myself right. "I'm not a runner." The ego loves to be right AND keep me from looking stupid or weak or vulnerable. Ego is part of being human. I promise to be human. 

At 52 years old
 I was surprised by my ability to do something new. And now I'm loving the thought that maybe, there are lots more surprises in the form of untapped fun, energy and amazement waiting in all kinds of activities my mind had labeled as not for me. 

~Look out pole dancing... : )

Are you feeling stuck? Like you no longer have any ways to surprise yourself? Are you craving some new energy in your everyday? I can help! I'm offering a FREE 30 minute 1:1 coaching session to 3 people in April. I will share 3 coaching tools to help yoke mind, body and spirit open up your mind and heart to all the surprises life has in store for you!  Get a spot!

Lori Bisser