Meet your inner guru
Meet your inner guru
When I first started teaching yoga, I had it in my head that my mission was to teach people how to practice yoga in order to build their own home practice, teach them to listen to their, “inner guru,” so to speak. I created a workshop to help people build a daily practice with lots of options for each day of the week called, “Yoga Everyday.” People loved it. AND they still kept coming to class.
Now after 11+ years of teaching I have learned that in addition to simply being led, most people enjoy community inside of their practice or maybe, their practice inside of community. The joy of familiar faces around you and the comfort of sharing the experience of being aware, of being present, of being open to what it is, is just as important as a good yoga class.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
The practice of coming together and holding space for each other even when we are filled with grief, injury, sorrow, joy, celebration or ease, perhaps only for an hour per week, brushing past each other‘s lives with a soft touch, holding space for one another to be exactly who we are in the moment, whether that be anxious or angry peaceful or sad is what people seem to crave.
The long hall
Each week I teach well over one hundred people in yoga and meditation. There is one group I’ve been practicing with now for almost 10 years. This is not how I expected it to go. I am thankful for the path, I am thankful that God knows better than I do that the need is to hold space for others to become the best versions of them selves for as long as it takes. This Is all way better than anything I could have ever dreamt up.
If you are one of those people who regularly practice yoga with me, or anywhere for that matter, I am offering you a challenge to invite someone into your yoga community this week. You know how good it feels, so share it! Bring a friend to yoga. Grow your community. Spread the love.